climate justice

Below are a list of anchor resources and sample projects to support an investigation of Climate Justice issues.


🌳This resource from the NAACP, Teaching Intersectionality and Environmental Justice in Our Classrooms, is a good starting point. It provides a critical intersectional framework for the examination of environmental justice and contains a resource list for websites such as the National Institutes for Environmental Health Sciences and the Center for Ecogenics and Environmental Health, among others. It also includes links to lesson plans and videos.

Informational Resource

🌳Future Learn provides full courses on climate change (not specifically EJ) developed by Universities from around the world. Some courses are free, but there may be fees related to specific course content. Depending on the subject or course you can get free access for a limited amount of time usually longer than 6 weeks. Note, this is most appropriate for OY participants.

🌳The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) provides online learning modules for environmental education. The full curriculum can be accessed at no cost, but users must sign in to gain access to tools for activities.

🌳Just Health Action provides an Environmental Justice curriculum with lessons and activities on EJ and community health.

Sample Projects

🌳Learning to Give Environmental Justice Tool Kit Provides environmental justice projects for grades k-12 and includes lesson plans and handouts for teaching participants about philanthropy and advocacy and plentiful resources and background information for additional learning.

🌳A Voice provides lesson plans and projects for the Environmental Justice movement. Activities can be adapted for a virtual setting and use online as well as community-based research.

Sample Projects/Informational Resources

🌳Groundwork USA provides a digital Environmental Justice literacy curriculum. Lesson plans, projects, materials and discussion questions are included.